Nested DL Related

Yogesh | Tue, 26 Nov 2019 at 05:47 hours | Replies : 2 | Points : 25

Category : Automation\Scripts

Hello, plz help me with exchange powershell command to pull-up members of nested DL.

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Please run below command on power shell.


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "GroupName" -recursive  | Export-csv MemberList.csv


Hope it helps you.


Also if you want complete list for all Group, Run below command on command prompt.


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADGroup -filter * | Select-Object Name, @{n='Members';e={ $_ | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name }} | Export-Csv AllGrpMem.csv

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